What is CrimePROBE® SAMS?

CrimePROBE® Situational Awareness Management System (SAMS) provides automated threat information/data analysis and intelligence sharing capabilities. Jurisdictions can achieve effective information sharing by integrating existing records management data, geographic information system-based data, satellite imagery, video footage, and photographic images via a centralized data storage and retrieval system. This information can be made available on the desktop at department, agency, local, state and federal levels, thus overcoming traditional challenges posed by organizational and geographical boundaries. This solution supports Homeland Security and the Regional Council of Government’s Initiatives: System Interoperability and Regional Information Sharing.

CrimePROBE® SAMS is designed to deliver an innovative and cost-effective approach for effectively implementing Community Policing/Precision Policing Strategies, Agency-Wide Inter-operability, Intelligence Sharing/Collaboration and Performance Metrics. In addition, CrimePROBE® SAMS’ intelligence capabilities are a “force-multiplier” through intelligent deployment of resources and elimination of some redundant and manually intensive processes.

Where is CrimePROBE® SAMS deployed?

In January 2009, Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) utilized CrimePROBE® Situational Awareness Management System (SAMS) during the historic 56th Presidential Inauguration of President Obama. The system was utilized to manage and monitor the deployment of 28 CDU platoons, providing users the ability to rapidly and efficiently record valuable field observations. In addition, MPD utilized SAMS during the World Bank protests in September 2008, the G20 Economic Summit in November 2008 and three All Hands on Deck (AHOD) operations.

What is CrimePROBE® SAMS providing?

CrimePROBE® SAMS was designed to compliment legacy systems; not replace them. Our system can be integrated with most CAD databases in order to provide users with a real-time controlled view of CAD calls for service. It also integrates streaming video from city-wide fixed and mobile surveillance camera systems.

This feature allows users (Command Center or Field Operations) to easily view camera locations on the map and invoke the camera with a point and click of the mouse. In addition, it integrates Automated Tracking for GPS enable vehicles and devices making it easier to monitor and track essential assets. Finally, at the conclusion of an operation, users can create a very detailed and organized after action report in seconds. These PDF reports are searchable, can be emailed to the appropriate personnel and archived as an official document.

Moreover, CrimePROBE® SAMS was designed to increase inter-agency interoperability and situational awareness locally, regionally and nationally.

It can be hosted by lead agencies to enable surrounding jurisdictions regardless of size (Federal, City, or County),the ability to communicate across geographical boundaries while securely protecting their own data within their own firewalls.

If you would like to request a demonstration of our products, please email us at